Perhaps a bit of an obvious choice in terms of artist but I've recently reignited my love affair with Prince and have gone back to listen to a lot of his records. I won't go into how much I love his music and how much of a genius he is (the guy is insanely talented even if he is weird and mysterious). Erotic City essentially relies on a strong bassline and simple keyboard riff but despite this is still an amazingly funky track and also extremely dirty. For me, Erotic City was especially resonant during my early nightclubbing days. I used to hear this played a lot at Sunday Night Heat which was a retro night. On the nightclubs big sound system it sounded phenomenal and I would totally immerse myself in that Minneapolis Funk sound. Even after all these years it's still up there as one of my all time favorite Prince songs. Make love not war people.
Prince - Erotic City
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